Special Olympics Canada (SOC) is a national organization founded in 1969 to foster self-confidence and social skills for individuals with intellectual disabilities through competition.
Special Olympics Canada
UX Design
Figma & Miro
May - Dec 2023
70% of users reported more user-friendly and responsive experience following the portal update
The online portal has decreased loading time by 50%, even with many simultaneous users
Two additional Chapters adopt the updated online portal after being shown the live demo
What was updated?
Increased container width to give more space between fields and sections
Progress bar was simplified as to reduce distractions
Search filters reduced to two - Community & Sport. This kept the search process simple enough to filter programs instantly
What was updated?
Bulk approval tools meant volunteers could do confirm multiple enrollments in one session
Sticky buttons allowed volunteers to read through enrollments and make decisions without scrolling up
What was updated?
Grouped similar categories and collapsed optional sections to make sections more coherent
Users would get a less cluttered experience, allowing them to move through sections with less friction